Latest Update !

 6 November,
We will be sending in orders for FBT on 20 Nov . Do stay tuned (: . Contact lens order have been sent in alrd . Will be arriving 1-2 weekws later . We will arrange the meetup time again (: .

 31st October,
I've cancelled the preorder the Acid washed sneakers (: And i've added new things . Next up ...


I just realise i have no accesories in my blog haha . Do stay tune ok ?! (: Will update tmr ^_^

23 october,
Guys, Sorry to those who've ordered FBT , there's a big HUHA going on between our supplier and us. So we will have to drag the order dates. Hence , you will be getting ur FBT later . Sorry for this sad thing ):

20 october,
HEY ! We changed our link (:
Hope you guys love it . Anyway , we are selling New things le .